Readers should be aware that:
For proof of these statements consult the material of the Most Holy Family Monastery.
The author of this book, Brother Francis of the Little Brothers of the Sacred Heart, was ignorant of these truths, but that doesn't stop us reading his book in full possession of them. Armed with this knowledge, we can then start to answer some intriguing questions. Why, for example, did the impostor Sister Lucy tell Luciani that he would become pope? How explain the contents of the fake 'Third Secret'? Why is there an obvious correlation between Albino Luciani and the 'bishop in white'?
Here is a scenario that answers these questions. It should make even more sense when you read the book itself.
Why did the impostor Sister Lucy tell Luciani he would be pope?
The Vatican II antipopes are carefully chosen in advance by the judaeo-masonic powers that seized control of the papacy in 1958, since when there have been no true visible Popes. It was these clandestine powers who arranged that Luciani should succeed Antipope Paul VI in 1978.
But they needed a way of controlling him once he was in office. Their normal techniques of blackmail, bribery, feigned friendship or satanic oaths were clearly not going to work on Luciani, so they used instead their impostor Sister Lucy.
They communicated their intentions for Luciani to her, and she duly passed this information on to him as a prophecy! This was a year before his election, and its effect, when he was actually elected, would be to make him believe that she was a holy seer in direct communication with Heaven. Henceforth, she would easily be able to manipulate him whenever called upon.
How explain the contents of the fake 'Third Secret'?
Luciani was not picked by the judaeo-masonic conspirators because he was one of them. Far from it. No, they chose him only to sacrifice him on their occultic altars. He would be a sacrificial pawn in their plan to bury the genuine Third Secret, a document which they hate, as it reveals that Heaven knows every detail of their satanic agenda. To terminate the ever-dangerous speculation about its contents, they decided to supplant it with an entirely different version of their own making. Hence the fake 'Third Secret', not a prophecy, but a blueprint of their plan to kill Luciani and his retinue in a staged atrocity in Fatima.
Luciani's execution by soldiers firing 'bullets and arrows' is certainly odd, but no doubt it would make sense after the event. After Rome had been bombed and left 'half in ruins', Luciani would fly to Portugal to beg assistance from Heaven. There he would be gunned down with his retinue in a hail of bullets. It would be easy to convince Luciani to go to Fatima, for the impostor Sister Lucy had only to give the word. There they would erect a large cross of 'rough-hewn trunks as of cork' to make the fake 'prophecy' even more spectacular.
So why didn't they murder Luciani at Fatima?
But things didn't proceed as planned. Luciani completely upset the barrel cart. He was disgusted by all the financial skulduggery and masonic intrigue in the Vatican, and he acted fast to eradicate it. Faster indeed and far more determinedly than the insiders had calculated. Within weeks he was poised to chase out of office all the high-ranking freemasons, including his own Secretary of State 'Cardinal' Villot.
The conspirators panicked. They had no choice but to jettison their original plans and act immediately. So they poisoned him with digitalis, a poison which mimics a heart attack, and wiped the place clean of every trace of him in hours. Embarrassed by their mistake in 'electing' Luciani in the first place, they naturally sought to expunge any memory of him.
Why was the fake 'Third Secret' applied to John Paul II?
Unfortunately, too many people in the Vatican had by now read or at least heard of the contents of the fake 'Third Secret', and not all of them were fully on board with the conspiracy. So it would be dangerous to rewrite it. How inconvenient!
Nevertheless, there was a superficial connection to the later events in St Peter's Square on 13 May 1981 when an abortive attempt was made on the life of Antipope John Paul II. So this event would have to do. Hence the Antichurch's publication of its fake 'Third Secret' in the year 2000 accompanied by Ratzinger's modernist theological commentary. Twenty years earlier the one-to-one mapping between prophecy and planned event would have been spectacular. But now what did we get? A false interpretation of a false prophecy! And not just false but farcical. Clear evidence of a conspiracy gone seriously awry! Deo gratias.
Timothy Peter Johnson
François de Marie des Anges
translated by Timothy Peter Johnson
Front cover:
Pope John Paul I.
(photo Vittoriano Rastelli/Corbis)
A few days after his election to the sovereign
pontificate, John Paul I confided to Msgr. Pierre Canisius van Lierde, his Vicar
General for Vatican City, «You see, Monseigneur, I am always smiling but,
believe me, deep down I am suffering.»
(L’Osservatore Romano, October 8, 1978)
Back cover:
It is a grace to know and to penetrate the mysterious visions of the Third Secret of Fatima which, in the guise of biblical figures, are like a parable of the events through which we are living.
«The Bishop dressed in white», the good shepherd whom the three shepherd children saw on July 13, 1917, climbing up to the Cross, there to be put to death, corresponds so well to our Albino Luciani. With profound joy we discover his growing devotion to Our Lady of Fatima, right up to the time of his providential conversation of July 1977 in the Coimbra Carmel with Sister Lucy, who revealed to him his vocation…
Scandalous, on the other hand, is the opposition of Popes John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II to Our Lady’s requests, descending so far as to falsify the thinking of Heaven’s messenger from 1989. Her negative judgements on the acts of consecration of the world pronounced by John Paul II are here attested by indubitable witness statements.
One will also discover in this book, thanks to unpublished documents, the “secret” that explains the victorious struggles and perseverance of President Salazar: he had received from the seer of Fatima a heavenly message concerning “divine politics” in the Land of Holy Mary.
Sister Lucy’s correspondence, when put in context and related to the themes of the Secret, allows us to discover the riches of her soul. It is always sanctifying to read her salutary warnings. What zeal! As for her last book, Calls from the Message of Fatima, published on December 8, 2000, it was officially presented as her “testament”. But is it really? That is a question we will attempt to answer.
Certainly Sister Lucy manifests by her virtues, notably her heroic humility and patience, that she is an authentic messenger of Heaven: her revelations are divine, and we shall see Our Lady’s marvellous promises fulfilled.
Copyright © Timothy Peter Johnson
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