Sacred Head of Our Lord

Sacred Head e-Academy

online traditional Catholic education

Sacred Head of Our Lady

About    GCSEs    A-Levels    Calendar    Statements    Homework    Classroom

Sacred Head eAcademy provides an online traditional Catholic education of the highest professional standard for home-schooled children. Full schooling is provided to GCSE and A Level in the following subjects:

Classical Greek
English Language
Further Mathematics

Families may rest assured that our school is authentically Catholic, upholding all the teachings of Holy Church. Consequently, we entirely repudiate the counterfeit church of the Vatican II sect, its antipopes, its anticouncil, its heresies, its moral perversions, and its invalid novus ordo rites.

Fees are minimal as our e-school is more of an educational apostolate than a business. It is consecrated to the Sacred Head of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

We use Microsoft Teams for our e-classes. You can download and install the free web app when you first link to our classroom.

Any classes you miss will be recorded and uploaded for you to watch later.

Timothy Johnson
Timothy Peter Johnson MA (Cantab.)
